The Five/6teen Sliding Scale Philosophy

As you consider embarking on this journey with me, I want to share with you my belief in the importance of providing a sliding scale for our services. In providing a sliding scale, I firmly believe in fostering a community where economic privilege and power are acknowledged and addressed with transparency and compassion. This sliding scale reflects not only the true cost of the coaching session or service but also acknowledges the diverse economic circumstances of our community members. From those with financial security to those struggling to meet basic needs, our sliding scale is designed to ensure inclusivity and accessibility for all. By embracing transparency, trust, and accountability and fostering a strong and sustainable community, we create a space where everyone's economic reality is respected and where fair compensation enables us to continue supporting our community's diverse needs and aspirations.

Credit goes to Alexis J. Cunningfolk, whose insightful blog post "The Sliding Scale: A Tool of Economic Justice" laid the foundation for our understanding and implementation of our sliding scale guidelines. From their blog post:

“Here is a general guideline about how I currently price my sliding scale to help you determine where you fall on it.

  • The highest dollar cost reflects the true cost of the class or service. It is the cost that the practitioner would charge all students in the absence of a sliding scale. If you have access to financial security, own property, or have personal savings, you would not traditionally qualify for sliding-scale services. If you are able to pay for "wants" and spend little time worrying about securing necessities in your life, you have economic privilege and power in our community. This price is for you.

  • The middle cost (when there is one) reflects the practitioner's acknowledgment that paying the full cost would prevent some folks from being able to attend but who do not honestly find themselves reflected in either description for the highest cost or the lowest. If you are struggling to conquer debt, build savings, or move away from paycheck-to-paycheck living but have access to a steady income and are not spending most of your time thinking about meeting basic needs such as food, shelter, medical care, child care, etc., you belong here. If you, however, can ask others for financial support, such as family members, partners, or friends, please consider using those personal resources before you use the resources of the sliding scale and limit opportunities for others.

  • The bottom cost represents an honest acknowledgment by the teacher and practitioner that there are folks whose economic circumstances would prevent them from being a part of classes if there was not a deliberate opportunity made for them to access services at a cost that is reflective of their economic realities. If you struggle to maintain access to needs such as health care, housing, food, and child care and are living paycheck to paycheck or are in significant debt, you probably belong here, and you deserve a community that honors your price as equal an economic offering as the person who can pay the highest tier. Even when the lower tier is still prohibitive, I will work with folks to offer extended payment plans and other solutions.

Typically, there is a limited amount of slots for products, services, and classes offered at the middle and lower end of the scale. Please be mindful that if you purchase a price at the lowest end of the scale when you can truthfully afford the higher ticket prices, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility. Being honest with yourself and your financial situation when engaging with sliding scale practices grows strong and sustainable communities. It also respects the work of teachers and creators, like myself, you have families to support and rent to pay. Additionally, when I am paid fairly, I am able to invest more time and resources in free and lower-cost offerings.”

Ultimately, the effectiveness of the sliding scale relies on trust, which is incredibly powerful. I have faith in your ability to accurately evaluate your economic situation. As the sliding scale serves as a means of accountability, it prompts continuous dialogue, and I am dedicated to assisting individuals in articulating their economic circumstances, drawing from my own enlightening journey with this language.